Zoe Pedulla

Bioluminescent Bay

The heavy boats glide easily on the water,
a graceful dance.
Paddle strokes pound as fast as the heartbeat of a pulsing drum.
The kayaks do not hesitate. Velvet blackness surrounds us.
Wrinkles of water arch away as paddles lift from the deep liquid.

Listen to the sweet crickets echoing around the lagoon.
Velvet blackness
is interrupted by lustrous stars.
Be surprised by shimmering tears,
running in the water.

The hand strokes the surface,
crystal beams follow like a loyal friend.
At my exploring reach, they panic and vanish into the black,
pausing in wonder before they drop back to their home.
Reflective of the fading stars above, all diminish as I jump in to greet them.


Copyright © 2002-2008 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2008 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission. SPP developed and designed by Strong Bat Productions.